Nepal in the News- At the same time, without informing Nepal, the Chinese team has started measuring the height of Everest Nepal in the News- At the same time, without informing Nepal, the Chinese team has started measuring the height of Everest Reviewed by Sumit Sah on May 10, 2020 Rating: 5
Nepal in the News-This year's Economic growth rate will remain only 2.27 percent 😱😱 Nepal in the News-This year's Economic growth rate will remain  only 2.27 percent 😱😱 Reviewed by Sumit Sah on April 30, 2020 Rating: 5
Nepal in the News - Corona spreaded from students, not from tribes' Nepal in the News - Corona spreaded from students, not from tribes' Reviewed by Sumit Sah on April 29, 2020 Rating: 5
Nepal in the News - The government is planning to build a public quarantine site of at least 5,000 Nepal in the News - The government is planning to build a public quarantine site of at least 5,000 Reviewed by Sumit Sah on March 25, 2020 Rating: 5
Nepal in the News - Transportation in the whole country is closed except the Nepal - India Border Nepal in the News - Transportation in the whole country is closed except the Nepal - India Border Reviewed by Sumit Sah on March 22, 2020 Rating: 5
Nepal in the News| Chaudhary Group(CG) is in a great Trouble| Strategy of CG| Objectives of CG 😱😱 Nepal in the News| Chaudhary Group(CG) is in a great Trouble| Strategy of CG| Objectives of CG 😱😱 Reviewed by Sumit Sah on February 19, 2020 Rating: 5
Nepal in the News| WHAT IS CORONAVIRUS? DEADLY CORONAVIRUS ENTERS NEPAL😱 Nepal in the News| WHAT IS CORONAVIRUS? DEADLY CORONAVIRUS ENTERS NEPAL😱 Reviewed by Sumit Sah on February 12, 2020 Rating: 5
Nepal in the News | Tribhuvan Int. Airport in Fire 🔥 🔥 People rushing to save their lives Nepal in the News | Tribhuvan Int. Airport in Fire 🔥 🔥 People rushing to save their lives Reviewed by Sumit Sah on February 11, 2020 Rating: 5
Nepal's First and Only Satellite City Construction is in great Speed🔥🔥-Nepal in the News Nepal's First and Only Satellite City Construction is in great Speed🔥🔥-Nepal in the News Reviewed by Sumit Sah on February 04, 2020 Rating: 5
Nepalese officer accepts Rs. 30 million bribe in Airbus purchase??-Nepal in the News Nepalese officer accepts Rs. 30 million bribe in Airbus purchase??-Nepal in the News Reviewed by Sumit Sah on February 04, 2020 Rating: 5
Nepal in the News: All Truck Driver's Eye Check-Up Nepal in the News: All Truck Driver's Eye Check-Up Reviewed by Sumit Sah on December 22, 2019 Rating: 5
Nepal in the News: 5G IN NEPAL- Jio Helping CG establishing 5G??  Nepal in the News: 5G IN NEPAL- Jio Helping CG establishing 5G?? Reviewed by Sumit Sah on December 17, 2019 Rating: 5
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